Let’s get personal
Conversion Rules!
Delight customers and transform your conversion rate with personalised recommendations
Isaac Moshe, the Marketing Director for Nosto, was second up on stage at Conversion Rules! He takes us through a user journey stopping at each point of the sales funnel to tailor the experience, step by step.
He touches on the personalised environment of Amazon, which boasts an average conversion rate over 6 times of that found elsewhere. There are many factors that go into the success of Amazon, yet their personalisation certainly adds to their prosperity, we can’t argue that. He mentions research reports by the Baymard Institute including the effects of the design of a home page on conversions and bounce rate. A worthy example of an effective eCommerce site is Temptation Gifts , which has been ‚Online Gift retailer of The Year’ more than four years running and they really make the most of personalisation and recommendation tools.
For every customer on your website, there is a whole host of information offered up to you – the decision you have to make is do you gather the data and how do you use it?
Isaac covers what you should be featuring on your site to entice first timers, enhance the experience of revisiting customers, and how to retain their business. How you should use automated, personalised recommendations, the importance of search, how to increase click through rate, conversion rate and ultimately, average order value, a brilliant walk through by Isaac.
You can align your personalisation and recommendation logic with your commercial and marketing objectives. And by using the data supplied to you via that customer’s unique user behaviour and weighted browser history you can not only win a sale but delight a customer.
Nosto is an eCommerce personalisation tool which offers recommendations based on unique customer behaviour with the aim to increase your online interactions to meet your KPIs.
Tomorrow we shall be covering the next in the series of videos from our ‘Conversion Rules!’ event. Yesterday’s was Jon Woodall, our Managing Director, speaking about ‚Which Metrics Really Matter in 2015?’.