Hot or not in 2015?
Conversion rules!
Not everything is as it seems
Kestrel Lemen, Marketing Strategist for Bronto Software, gets up on stage at our Conversion Rules! event and shares her thoughts on what’s ‚’Hot Or Not in 2015’.
HSBC as an example spent a massive chunk of their budget on an omni-channel marketing campaign for expats surrounding on a banking and wealth management system. This is publicly being recognised as a success but although their KPIs are great, not everything is as shiny as it seems.
So, what is hot?
A very simple yet effective example of what is ‚ ‘hot’ is Oak Furniture Land which uses location and other personalisations and recommendations to tailor their email marketing to the customer. Including a traceable voucher code which is win-win for the consumer and the marketing team!
Kestrel encourages you to really look at your service, learn about your target customer and what they want, not what you think they want. The Generation X and Y are harder to sell to, not surprising as everyone is trying to sell to them. Use your marketing wisely, keep it simple, make it relevant.
Bronto is a marketing automation platform which we often integrate with our Magento site builds.
Yesterday’s video post recapped the talk ‘Let’s Get Personal!’ from Isaac Moshe, the Marketing Director for Nosto. We will see you next week for the fourth in the series, ‘Understanding The Baseline‘, by Andrew McClelland of IMRG.