Tough Mudder 2015
Tough Mudder 2015
We are proud to say that we made it!
On a weekday I am ordinarily up bright and early at 6am, however this Saturday I excitedly awoke at 5.30am. Not because as I was going on holiday – it was because I was about to get neck-deep in mud, and I wasn’t alone.
Seven of my fellow Space48ers (as we affectionately call ourselves) and one brother-in-law, had pledged to run Tough Mudder back in 2014. Reminiscing back to my interview (or be it, initiation) just over a year ago this came up in conversation and I, perhaps a little naively, said yes!
This actually meant that we had all signed our lives away but we had lots of time to train. Jon and Tony very kindly supported us through this by employing the services of a local Personal Trainer, Mike Ward, to march us through bootcamp lessons every Thursday lunchtime. As the deadline drew nearer, we all knocked it up another notch.
We started holding our own, extra boot camp lesson every Monday lunch, some of us were gymming it, some of us running, some of us simply decided to go with the flow and hope for the best. Whatever your take on it – this was not meant to be a race. This is all about teamwork, which perfectly aligns with our everyday challenges in the office.
“Tough Mudder is more than a fitness challenge, it’s a set of values lived out on the course, and in everyday life.
The Mudder Pledge
- I understand that Tough Mudder is not a race but a challenge.
- I put teamwork and camaraderie before my course time.
- I do not whine – kids whine.
- I help my fellow mudders complete the course.
- I overcome all fears.”
So the day began, we all met at the office car park and drove in convoy to Cholmondeley. There was a mixture between anxiety and laughter but when we arrived there was no time for faffing, simply on with our run numbers and into the warm up arena. And off we went.
Over the ‘Bale Bonds’, up and over ‘Log Jammin’ and wading through the first ‘Mud Mile’. We stuck together as a team the whole way (10-12 miles of course), taking it in turns to egg the other on.
‘Island Hopping’ proved to be a fun test of balance, the majority of us landing dry on the other side. ‘Arctic Enema’ gave us a bit of a shock – an ice-cold dunk – the cause of shivers, mini-panics and the loss of … a beanie hat.
Things got filthy in ‘Sewer Rat’ and later on in ‘Swamp Stomp’ – it reminded me of the old doughnut game – do not lick your lips!!! ‘Shawshanked’ featured an uphill tunnel which ended with a drop in the cool, slightly muddy water. I personally found that one quite refreshing, but perhaps I landed a little better than Alex, who did a magnificent tumble and splash to the amusement of the whole team.
See a map of the course for yourself.
As half of the team had ran Tough Mudder in 2014 and even a couple in 2013, there were some personal goals set. Oliver had his heart set on conquering ‘Funky Monkey’ after last years’ plop into the water. This year, however, Funky Monkey had an update to ‘Funky Monkey 2.0’ looking ever more challenging and difficult; monkey bars uphill to a swing bar and then one horizontal bar to shimmy along. It all started well but a few bars in, muddy, wet hands and tired arms let go and Ollie had an almighty splash into the water, inspiring a whole new promise to self to start training for 2016 – now! The team, who were still able to move at the end, all tried their best on the menacing looking ‘Everest’ and with a lot of teamwork, a powerful run up and a bucket load of momentum, they all managed to make it!
So with a full day of being coated in mud, save from the wade through a lake, a variety of cramps, a few scratches and bruises, and a bucket load of stories to tell – we all made it back in one piece. With just over 11 miles of muddy obstacles, to be honest, it was easier than I had imagined – with a little help from my friends!
“The idea of Tough Mudder is not to win … but to have a story to tell.”– New York Times
Check out our team photos!