Manchester Digital Skills Festival
Manchester Digital Skills Festival is a day to open up conversation between aspiring digital professionals and hiring businesses. The event was at the historic Manchester Town Hall, yet was the perfect setting for the up-to-the minute students, agencies, education providers and recruiters. The doors opened at 11am and in came the excited and ambitious students ranging from school leavers to mature students.
As a Digital Marketing Apprentice I was surrounded by people of a similar age and with a similar desire, to become the next ‚Äòdigerati’. It was a great opportunity to chat to students that have studied topics which I am currently learning on-the-job and also a chance to network with other companies. The event was my first with Space 48, I was buzzing that it went so well and look forward to attending many more!
Star talent
We are constantly on the look out for the next generation of Space48er’s and looking for skill sets across the board including front end design & development, back end development, digital marketing and account management. The Talent Day is a great opportunity for us to converse with like minded digital enthusiasts and seize new talent, which is why we attend year after year! We came prepared with over a hundred student guides (that soon got snapped up), tonnes of sweets and of course our smiley selves, ready to answer any questions thrown at us. We would recommend this event to all students seeking employment; not only was there actual jobs up for grabs but also mugs, cupcakes and a go on an Oculus Rift.
Individuals were looking for placements, graduate jobs and even just advice about the digital industry. We were amazed at the turn and the valuable conversations we had, the students certainly impassioned us with their love for tech, coding, design and social media – thanks for saying hello!
We were in good company
Joined by some of our friends and other local businesses also offering inspiring opportunities and advice, we had a ball. Other companies included Access, Orchard, McCann, We Are Adam, Hiring Hub & Media College. Big thanks to Manchester Digital for organising the event and choosing us to collaborate!