Magento meetup London
An analytical approach to optimising your PPC campaigns
Last week three of our team; Jon Woodall (Managing Director), Oliver Lees (Head of Insight) and Alex Shepherd (Commercial Director), attended the Magento Meetup London. Space 48 are one of Magento’s twelve UK-based Gold Solutions Partners, the majority of our staff are developers but we have a small and perfectly formed marketing team, led by Oliver. Jon and Oliver were asked to speak and share their unique slant on how Space 48 frequently surpass client targets.
In the highly competitive eCommerce world
Everyone is all too aware of tight margins, dictating a need for close control on cost per acquisition (CPA). So how do you stand out from the crowd and ultimately deliver greater efficiency and increase ROI on your digital marketing activity? PPC can be a massive revenue driver for your online sales. Jon and Oliver share some tips to take on board for your 2015-2016 digital marketing strategy.
- Granularity in Google Shopping Campaigns (PLAs)
- How to Improve Landing Pages to Reduce Bounce Rate
- Positional Bidding Strategies
- How to Maximise Ad Extensions
The Space48ers were the last up to speak at the event sponsored by Dotmailer and Veeqo. The other talks included:
- Introduction by Mitch Goldman incl. sponsors
- Humberto Suastegui – ‘Development automation tools’
- Guru Kiran – ‘Test automation at Made.com’
Many thanks to Magento Meetup London for inviting us, we will see you at the next one!