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December 23, 2016

Dan Davies – December

  1. 24 WAYS to impress your friends

    Curated content from a collection of developers
    Every year, this site has great articles about the web world leading up to Christmas. The perfect dev advent calendar.
    Read the articles here… (

  2. Image optimization

    By Estelle Weyl
    One of the biggest issues with responsive web design has been images and how best to serve them. This is a handy little article demonstrating some of the ways to do so.
    Read the article here…

  3. Website style guide resources

    By Anna Debenham
    Something I love working with is style guides. Anna Debenham has curated a ton of resources and example styleguides on this site and it’s extremely useful.
    View the style guides here…

  4. 10 great uses of whitespace in web design

    By Tom May
    You either love or hate white / negative space. Here are a few examples of great use of it.
    Read the article here…

  5. Common CSS mistakes (and how to fix them)

    By Mariano Miguel
    They say CSS is easy to write. Yet, the same mistakes keep happening. Here is a selection of common mistakes in CSS writing.
    Read the article here… (